The Video Winner
1st Place - Layla Haarer, Riverview High School, 12th grade, "Make Your Own History"
The Essay Winners
1st Place - Kevin Solis, Suncoast Polytechnical High School, 12th grade,"The Right to Vote".
2nd Place - Amari Lopez, Sarasota Military Academy, 12th grade, Your Voice Speaks Volumes".
3rd Place - Marisa Von Bender, Booker High School, 12th grade, "My Vote is on the Women of Change".
The 2D Artwork Winners
1st Place - China Ott, Riverview High School, 12th grade, "Your Vote, Your Voice"
2nd Place - Ava Parsons, Riverview High School, 12th grade, "Votes Are Red and Blue"
3rd Place - Ethan Webster, Suncoast Polytechnical High School, 12th grade, "Your Vote is Your Voice"